These templates have been developed to provide information and guidance to the mining and quarrying industry on a range of work health and safety matters.

Document and Records Management Procedure Template

This template provides industry with practical guidance on how to develop and implement an effective Document and Records Management process. It ensures that documents and records are appropriately created, captured, accessed, managed and stored in a manner that reflects business, corporate and regulatory compliance requirements.

Document Communique Form Template

This template form is used to communicate current best work practices to all mining and quarrying personnel, where changes to current practices have been implemented, or it has been identified that standards are not followed in accordance with documented procedures or work instructions.

Document Control Register Template

A Document Control Register is a list which identifies all business documents and includes current revision status. It ensures that all documents and records are appropriately created, captured, accessed, managed and stored in a manner that reflects business, corporate and regulatory compliance requirements.

Document Review Form Template

This template has been developed to assist industry in reviewing and authorising their documents.

Electric Shock and/or Incident Report Form

All incidents involving electricity must be reported to the Office of the Technical Regulator by the electrical worker or the occupier of the premises where the incident occurs.

For advice or help contact the Office of the Technical Regulator.

Hazard and Risk Register Template

A Hazard and Risk Register is a list of all the identified hazards, including the risk level and the controls implemented to eliminate or minimise the risks associated with the hazard.

Hazard Identification and Risk Control Procedure Template

This template procedure provides a process and mechanism for the prevention of injury, illness, environmental harm or property damage within the mining and quarrying industry through the identification, assessment and elimination or control of workplace hazards and risks. This procedure applies to all visitors, contractors and employees attending the site. It includes a risk assessment matrix and Hazard Report Form.

Incident Register Template

This template has been developed to assist and guide industry in developing a site specific Incident Register. This Register spreadsheet can be tailored to suit your site’s specific requirements.

Incident Report and Investigation Form Template

This template is used to record all incidents and investigations at mining and quarrying sites. The form requires a description of the incident, persons involved, personal injuries, Regulatory notification requirements, incident analysis, recommendations to prevent recurrences and incident review and sign off.

Incident Reporting and Investigation Procedure Template

This template provides a Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) with practical guidance on how to develop and implement an effective Incident Reporting and Investigation process. The procedure sets out and defines the requirements for all incidents to be reported and investigated with preventative and corrective actions implemented to eliminate or minimise the risk of harm and prevent future occurrences.

Induction Manual Template

This template has been developed to assist and guide industry in the development of a site specific Induction Manual. This document can be tailored specifically to a site’s requirements.

Induction Policy Template

This policy template has been developed to provide an example of an Induction Policy and can be tailored to suit your site’s requirements.

Induction Procedure Template

This procedure template has been developed to provide an example of an Induction Procedure and can be tailored to suit your site’s requirements.

Job Safety Analysis Template

This template has been developed to provide an example of a Job Safety Analysis template and can be tailored to suit your site’s requirements.

Notifiable Incident and Mining Incident Reporting

To report an incident at a mining operation.       DO NOT USE this link to report an immediately life threatening issue or the death of a person. Please call SafeWork SA on their emergency line – 1800 777 209. This service operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Position Description Template

This template can be used as a guide for any position within the mining or quarrying industry. It includes key responsibilities and key performance indicators. Qualifications, capabilities and knowledge are also outlined in the example position description.

Pre-Shift Meeting Template

This template has been developed to use at the start of each shift to monitor and communicate potential site hazards and safety issues.

Principal Mining Hazard Management Plan Template

This template will assist and guide you through developing your site specific Principal Mining Hazard Management Plan.

Traffic Management Plan Template

This template has been developed to assist and guide industry in the development of a site specific Traffic Management Plan.

Training Needs Analysis Template

This template provides  the process of identifying the gap between employee training and needs of training. Training needs analysis is the first stage in the training process.

Witness Statement Form Template

This witness statement form template can be used to record a detailed description and observations of any mining or quarrying incident or event to assist in the investigation process.

Work Health and Safety Information and Training Procedure Template

This template provides Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBUs) with practical guidance on how to develop and implement an effective Work Health and Safety Information and Training process.

Work Health and Safety Management Plan Template

This template has been developed to assist and guide industry through developing a site specific Work Health and Safety Management Plan. Regulation 621 of the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 (SA) states that a mine operator must establish and implement a documented Safety Management System for the mine.

Work Health and Safety Policy Template

This policy template outlines the legislative obligations and seeks commitment from all workers in creating a safe work environment. It aims to remove or reduce the risks to the health, safety and welfare of all workers, contractors and visitors.

Workplace Emergency Plan Template

This MAQOHSC Workplace Emergency Plan Template, in conjunction with the MAQOHSC Workplace Emergency Plan Guide, will assist and guide you through developing your site specific Emergency Plan.